It's a Small World (or The Robot Play)
Available for Production!
Anne (an engineer in recovery) and Cyrus (a former coffee maker, now robot poet) take the long trip from Disney World to Canandaigua to get Cyrus back home to Anne’s childhood best friend, Adam. Along the way, the duo meet other people and small kitchen appliances that are just as lost as they are while they try to discover what home truly is.
Production History:
University Production at Youngstown State University | February 2024
World Premiere Production at Bristol Valley Theater | August 2022
Development History:
Bristol Valley Theater New Play Initiative (Staged Reading) | 2019
Pegasus PlayLab at UCF (Workshop Reading) | 2019
Flint Repertory Theatre New Works Festival (Staged Reading) | 2019
Activate Midwest New Play Festival (Workshop Reading) | 2018
A monologue from this play can be found in Smith and Kraus Best Men's Monologues of 2019! Click here to order your copy on Amazon.